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10 Jobs That Will Disappear in the Future Due to AI

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing the global labor market and transforming several industries, including production, sales, marketing, and customer support. AI's capacity for automation and human ability enhancement has a significant impact; however, not all vocations are equally susceptible to obsolescence brought on by AI. While some jobs are more likely to disappear due to artificial intelligence, others show resilience and adaptability in the face of rapid technological breakthroughs.

The AI certification is a vital qualification that proves your competence in creating, developing, and implementing AI solutions. You must thoroughly understand the principles and uses of AI if you wish to work as an AI chatbot developer, certified chatbot expert, or chatbot trainer. A chatbot certification can help you acquire the abilities and know-how to use various AI technologies to build intelligent, interesting chatbots.

Let's examine how obtaining an AI certification will help you prepare for the future workforce by highlighting ten professions where AI integration could cause employment to become obsolete. We will also offer helpful advice on preparing yourself professionally for the AI era.

AI: What Is It and How Is It Affecting Employment?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the ability of robots to carry out tasks that have historically required human intelligence, such as data-driven learning, picture recognition, language comprehension, and decision-making. Two types of AI can be distinguished: Narrow AI and General AI.

Narrow AI focuses on tasks or domains, such as autonomous driving, sickness diagnosis, or chess playing. Conversely, general artificial intelligence (AI) describes the potential for machines to carry out any intellectual work that people can do, such as authoring books, making music, or producing artwork.

Although broad artificial intelligence is still a long way off, narrow AI is now here and has various effects on the workplace. For example:

Compared to human managers, AI can evaluate sales conversations more quickly and accurately, providing insightful analysis and comments to improve performance.

AI can create email marketing campaigns and content strategies using data and following best practices.

AI can produce original material in various formats and styles and do in-depth research on any topic throughout the vast expanse of the internet.

These examples effectively illustrate how artificial intelligence (AI) improves productivity by automating monotonous jobs, expanding the capacities of humans, and creating new opportunities. However, they also question how AI will affect professions and employment.

How Can You Tell If Your Job Will Become Extinct?

As per the World Economic Forum's "The Future of Jobs Report 2020," it is projected that the extensive integration of artificial intelligence will lead to the displacement of 85 million jobs globally by 2025. On the other hand, 97 million additional employees are anticipated to be created within the same period. As a result, AI will be responsible for a net gain of 12 million employment.

Finding out which employment will disappear and which will resurface is an essential factor to consider. One strategy is to evaluate the possibility of automation for various jobs to address these uncertainties and prepare for the impending changes. While the website "Will Robots Take My Job?" provides a tool to assess the likelihood that a position will be automated or replaced, the great diversity in duties and responsibilities among job titles limits the accuracy and dependability of the tool.

For instance, the writing industry has many different specializations, including fiction, non-fiction, journalism, and copywriting. Similarly, a marketing manager can supervise email marketing, social media, content, and SEO, among other things.

A more helpful method for assessing how AI will affect a person's employment is to examine the particular abilities and responsibilities required of each position. Jobs involving predictable, routine, analytical, or rule-based tasks are typically more vulnerable to AI-related job loss. On the other hand, AI is less likely to replace vocations requiring creativity, complexity, social connection, or emotional intelligence.

In light of this, we have listed ten professions and businesses in various areas predicted to vanish due to artificial intelligence. It is crucial to remember that this list results from an in-depth investigation and analysis of numerous sources rather than being comprehensive or final. It's also important to understand that as AI develops and adapts, jobs that are safe now can become different tomorrow.

Ten Jobs That Artificial Intelligence Will Eventually Replace

These are some of the jobs that, since they entail repetitive, predictable analytical or rule-based tasks, have a high risk of being eliminated by AI.


Probability: 98%

Owing to the low requirement for high social or emotional intelligence levels, growth in telemarketing occupations is expected to fall by about 3% by 2024. A significant contributing factor to this decrease is the frequency of robocalls advertising different goods and services. The low conversion rates of direct telephone sales, usually less than 10%, offer an excellent chance for automation and could lead to the eventual demise of this position.

Clerks for bookkeeping

Probability: 99%

Considering how much bookkeeping work is becoming automated, the number of jobs in the area will likely decline by 8% by 2024. There is currently a plethora of software available that can effectively manage bookkeeping tasks at a far lesser cost than hiring a human accountant, including QuickBooks, FreshBooks, and Microsoft Office. As such, this work will likely be automated.

Managers of Pay and Benefits

Probability: 96%

Notably, while job growth in this specific industry is anticipated to rise by 7% by 2024, demand alone does not ensure protection from automation. Relying solely on a human and paper-based system can present challenges, delays, and extra costs as businesses grow, especially in international markets. Automated benefit delivery and management systems have effectively addressed these issues and provided benefits to massive workforces. Such solutions are already being widely adopted by companies like Ultipro and Workday, further indicating the possible impact of automation on this employment role.

Front desk employees

Probability: 96%

Particularly in contemporary technology businesses without office-wide phone lines or global corporations, automated phone, and scheduling systems have become competitive substitutes for traditional receptionist employment. This change emphasizes how susceptible receptionist jobs are to automation.

CouriersProbability: 94%

Robots and drones are becoming increasingly common in the courier and delivery sector, slowly replacing human couriers and delivery workers. This suggests that automation may eventually take over this market. Nevertheless, given the predicted 5% increase in this sector by 2024, it's essential to remember that this shift might take more time than it is.

Editors of proofs

Probability: 84%

Software for proofreading has become widely used and is now omnipresent. Thanks to various technologies, self-checking one's writing has become smooth, from Microsoft Word's simple spelling and grammar checker to more sophisticated programs like Grammarly and the Hemingway App.

Specialists in Computer Support

Probability:  65%

Even if the industry is predicted to increase by 12% by 2024, it should be no surprise that businesses will eventually rely more and more on automation and bots to handle customer and staff support queries. This change may be ascribed to the profusion of online resources that offer tutorials, step-by-step directions, and different hacks, all of which can lessen the need for human participation.

Analysts of Market Research

Probability:  61%

While market research analysts are essential in guiding message, content, and product development, obtaining this data is becoming easier and easier with the advent of automated AI and surveys. With only a Slack query, applications like GrowthBot may quickly perform market research on nearby companies and rivals.

Promoting Salesmen

Probability:  54%

As advertising moves from television and print to the web and social media, fewer salespeople are required to oversee the acquisition of ad space. With the help of self-serve ad marketplaces and free APIs, social media platforms are streamlining the process more and more, doing away with the need for sales representatives and empowering users to monetize more effectively. The industry is expected to shrink by 3%, consistent with this pattern.

Salespeople in Retail

Probability:  92%

These days, it's not uncommon to go to a mall, auto dealership, or furniture store and find that there isn't a single salesperson there to help you with your entire purchase. This change results from businesses adopting the idea of democratizing the purchasing experience frequently by introducing self-checkout options. When it comes to making purchases, today's consumers are more likely to rely on independent decision-making and internet research due to their propensity for internet savvy.

How to Advance Your Career in the AI Era

In the era of artificial intelligence, acquiring new skills and competencies that will enhance your value and flexibility in the workplace is imperative. The following advice will assist you in navigating this shifting environment:

Acquire a foundational knowledge of AI: Learn about AI and how it will affect your field and position. Although you don't have to be an expert, it will be helpful to understand what AI can and cannot achieve. Consider signing up for an AI certification program, chatbot training, or chatbot certification course to improve your knowledge and abilities.

Accept AI as a tool:

  1. Seek methods to use AI to your benefit rather than being afraid of or resistant to it.

  2. Determine which jobs can be automated, which abilities can be enhanced, and which opportunities may be generated with AI's assistance.

  3. Be willing to work with AI and learn from it.

AI chatbots can improve your customer service, efficiency, and communication skills.

Emphasize your human abilities and capabilities: Although artificial intelligence is highly proficient in numerous domains, human characteristics remain incomparable. AI Developer, emphasize your critical thinking, creativity, empathy, communication, and problem-solving abilities. Adopt a growth mentality and be open to lifelong learning. To help others use AI chatbots efficiently, consider obtaining certification as a chatbot expert or trainer.

Keep abreast of market trends: Since the world is constantly changing, you must keep up with the most recent advancements and advances in the industry. Accept the shift and adjust to the difficulties and circumstances that arise. An AI chatbot can be valuable for finding pertinent data, analyzing it, and making suggestions about your work.

Create a robust career network: You can widen your network by connecting with people who can support your professional development—request advice and guidance from seasoned experts. An AI chatbot can facilitate connecting with mentors, experts, and other professionals in your sector.

You should prepare for the future of work by implementing AI into your professional path and adhering to these principles. To prosper in the era of automation, always remember to keep your skills up to date, adjust to changes, and use AI's advantages.

In summary

In many respects, artificial intelligence is changing the nature of employment in the future, but it also presents new chances for those who are ready to adapt and learn. Getting certified by the Blockchain Council is one of the finest ways to prepare for the future of AI. 

This certification will attest to your proficiency with blockchain technology, an essential component of many AI applications. The reputable Blockchain Council comprises professionals and enthusiasts passionate about using blockchain technology to advance research, development, use cases, products, and knowledge for a better society. Various online courses, certifications, and networking opportunities are available to you as a member of the Blockchain Council, all of which can help you develop and progress your career in blockchain and artificial intelligence.

It's critical to remember that artificial intelligence (AI) is intended to supplement and improve human abilities rather than replace them. By judiciously and creatively utilizing AI, we can successfully navigate the shifting nature of work.

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